
DALLAS, TX (June 1, 2020) —  Aging Mind Foundation is a Dallas-based nonprofit organization that raises money to fund scientific medical research focused only on finding the cause of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. Aging Mind Foundation has announced a $500,000 grant award to Columbia Medical School’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) under the leadership of Dr. Scott Small.

With an expertise in Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive aging, Dr. Small has co-authored over 120 articles and his neuroimaging and molecular work has led to seven patents. Dr. Small is the recipient of numerous outstanding awards including the Beeson Scholar Award in Aging Research from the American Federation on Aging, the McKnight Neuroscience of Brain Disorders Award, the Derek Denny-Brown Young Neurological Scholar Award from the American Neurological Association, and the Lamport Award for Excellence in Clinical Science Research from Columbia University.

Aging Mind Foundation is unique in that the organization identifies only one grant beneficiary each year in order to give the largest, most impactful grant possible.

Despite great economic challenges due to COVID-19, Aging Mind Foundation was able to award this $500,000 grant. According to executive board member, Greg Haynes Johnson, “We at Aging Mind Foundation are very grateful that, even during these challenging times, our donors and sponsors enabled us to grant $500,000 to Columbia University Medical School's Alzheimer's Disease Research Center.”

Year after year, AMF has kept fundraising and operation costs to 25 percent or lower. For the 2019 – 2020 fiscal year, Aging Mind Foundation fundraising costs were 10% and operating costs were just 14%. Keeping costs low is only possible due to the incredible generosity of donors and corporate partners like Headington Companies, CBRE, Fauxcades, Carolina Herrera and Home Health Companions

The Aging Mind Foundation hosts two annual fundraisers: Brews and Bites is held in October and hosted at Katy Trail Ice House and the AMF Gala is held in February and hosted at The Joule Hotel. These events provide opportunities for both individuals and corporate sponsorships. In addition, Aging Mind Foundation accepts donations allowing you to honor loved ones while contributing to vital research as well as general donations which are also included in our annual award to research.

For more information about these events or how to get involved, visit or contact

The Dallas Foundation is the Fiscal Sponsor of the Aging Mind Foundation, a component fund of the Dallas Foundation a 501(c)(3), publicly supported charity, 75-289 0371/

Link to Dr. Scott Small/AMF Partnership Video:

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