The Cambridge School of Dallas
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The Cambridge School of Dallas is a school committed to preparing its students for college, not only through a challenging academic curriculum, but also by coming alongside our students as the make the important decision about where to attend college.

One way we do this is by hosting over 50 colleges and universities on our campus each year for College Weeks.  During these two weeks each September, Upper school students sign up for sessions with admissions counselors from the colleges and universities of their choice.  This is an excellent opportunity for students to show interest in schools and to learn firsthand about particular colleges and universities  and their admissions practices.  Some of the schools visiting this year are Vanderbilt, Wake Forest, Davidson College, Furman, Samford, Washington University in St. Louis, College of Charleston, Chapman University and Texas A&M.

In addition to College Weeks, each year Cambridge plans a National College Trip.  All upper school students are eligible to participate and usually 15-20 students choose to attend.  Typically, students will visit colleges and universities of varying sizes and types, always including at least one large public university, a smaller private university, as well as a faith-based university.  In order to be time-efficient, the pace is quick, with full admission visits to at least two schools each day.

Past trips have included visits to colleges and universities near Washington DC, Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago.  Recent trips have been to see universities in both North and South Carolina.  The 2014 College Trip will take place October 15-18 and students will visit colleges and universities in Georgia.  The trip will include stops at Georgia Tech University, University of Georgia, Emory University, Berry College, and Covenant College. 

The Cambridge School of Dallas is a Christ-centered, Classical, College-preparatory school (grades 6-12) whose mission is "Academic Discipleship: Fostering a Love of Learning with a Passion for Jesus Christ." - Contact The Cambridge School at  
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