Dallas International School
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As snow flurries swirled outside the window in the icy late afternoon of January 6, the members of the DIS student council had a conundrum to solve: what to do with all that food?


A few large trays of finger food had been ordered for the night’s Alumni Dance Party, which had just been cancelled due to the inclement weather. Once it became clear that the trays couldn’t be returned nor the money refunded, the council wasn’t sure what to do. But inspiration eventually came.


“We decided to donate the food to City House,” said Layla Babahaji, a senior student on the council. “It’s a temporary home in Plano for displaced youth.”


With the help of some DIS parents, the trays were loaded up and taken to the front desk of City House. Due to privacy reasons, the council members didn’t personally see the food distributed to the teenagers and children at the shelter, but the representatives at the front expressed their gratitude.


“We had a lot of food and we knew that if we gave it to the students, they probably wouldn’t care about it too much,” said Alice Mellon, a junior council member. “Since it was really cold outside, we thought of people in need right away.”


While various service projects have been done in the past at DIS to help the less fortunate, junior council member Chase Fitzpatrick hopes that a partnership with City House can be formed.


“Now we know where it is, so hopefully we can work with them in the future too,” Fitzpatrick said.


The students and alumni were disappointed when the party was cancelled, but the council members were happy that they could make the best of a bad break.


“We took an unfortunate situation and made it into something good by helping people in our own community,” Babahaji said. “It isn’t far from us, and we know that there are people all around us that need help.”

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