Dallas International School
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Dr. Mea Ahlberg is captivated by cultures. You could say that they’ve been her life’s work.


“I love the interaction with people of different backgrounds and cultures,” Ahlberg said. “Other cultures always fascinate me. There is always something new you can learn from a different culture. Even my dissertation is on cultures and development.”


Ahlberg received her doctorate from the University of Texas at Dallas and has done extensive research on cultures and development. She joined the Dallas International School staff in 2008 as the director of admissions, a post she still retains. Besides working at DIS, she serves as a faculty member at Collin College where she teaches policy and economics. Ahlberg’s background is as diverse as the many families she helps through the admission process into the school. She loves being able to witness first-hand the growth of all students.


“When the day is stressful, it is a privilege to just step out of your office and look at the children, and everything is fine,” Ahlberg said. “Nothing else matters. It’s very easy to de-stress yourself and watch the children play. They are simple and peaceful. We should look up to them to learn to be that way.”


Ahlberg’s own two children are in CP and CM1, respectively, and they share the same enthusiasm for the school as their mother does.


“They enjoy it so much,” Ahlberg said. “I know that when every morning they’re excited to go to school. And you constantly hear that they love their school. It’s the only school they know.”


Ahlberg’s deep connection with the cultural mission of the school has helped propel her to new heights in her career. She recently was invited to be a keynote speaker at a conference held by the Admissions Group of the French American Schools (AGFAS) in New Orleans. The directors of admissions of the French American Schools across North America were in attendance. Ahlberg’s presentation focused on strategic enrollment management.


“It’s really about working in the most efficient way with what you have available,” Ahlberg said. “The admissions office is the entry and exit of the school. It’s the gateway to the school. A working admissions office can be a key component to the success of the school.”


While efficiency is key to a director who interacts with every family that comes and goes at DIS, so too is equality. It’s a rule that Dr. Ahlberg lives by.


“To have a well-functioning organization we have to be fair and adhere to the policies and rules that are effective and have been put in place with the best intentions in mind,” Ahlberg said. “That can help support the goal and the mission of the institution. It helps create the cohesiveness that makes an institution successful. It doesn’t matter where you come from. We stick to policies and fairness.”

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