Dallas International School
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On Thursday 5 November, Dallas International Upper School Students were mesmerized by seafaring tales from Ben Lecomte, the first man to swim across the Atlantic Ocean. In between reminiscing about the 3,700-mile journey from Massachusetts to France he completed back in 1998, Lecomte emphasized the importance of action with a purpose and encouraged Dallas International School students to consider the consequences of every action they take. 
In late 2015, Lecomte will embark on "The Longest Swim", a 5,500-mile odyssey from Tokyo to San Francisco he hopes to conclude in 180 days. His affinity for the water is bolstered by his aim to raise awareness about sustainability, and he will collect aquatic samples while crossing the Pacific to contribute towards oceanic research. 
Lecomte chose Dallas International School students to be pioneers of the Magna Pledge by playing a more active role in their community. Students readily accepted the challenge, and for the next six months, they will implement methods that will minimize their own impact on the environment both individually and collectively. They will check in regularly with Ben Lecomte to track their progress. 
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