Dallas International School
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Continuing with the implementation of DIS’s core values all year long, Churchill counselor, Kelley Loyd, stopped in on CE1A on Thursday, January 16, to have a discussion about the core value of respect. Ms. Loyd explained the importance of respect, gave examples of how to be respectful, and shared why students should work toward respecting themselves and others in their day-to-day behavior. Following this discussion, students played a game on the theme of respect where they were given notecards with quotes of things you commonly hear in the classroom. They were to respectfully listen to one another as they read off their cards, and then decide if the behavior or the quote on the notecard was respectful or disrespectful. After each correct answer, students would respectfully cheer on their classmates, as they would attach the notecard to the designated respectful/disrespectful side of the dry erase board in front of the class. Students found this game fun and educational, and enjoyed learning about why this core value is so important.

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