Diane Feffer









Mental Health America of Greater Dallas

2014 Prism Awards

Thursday, October 23, 2014—6:00  to 8:00 p.m.— Frontiers of Flight Museum   


            Mental Health America of Greater Dallas will present the 2014 Prism Awards paying tribute to the following community leaders who have made a difference in the North Texas region on behalf of individuals with mental illness, as well as those who have worked to improve awareness of mental health issues.  Mental Health America of Greater Dallas (MHA) was established in 1947 and has been consistently serving the people of Dallas and surrounding communities for over 60 years. The mission of Mental Health America of Greater Dallas is to lead the community in improving mental health through advocacy and education.  Terry Bentley, Attorney and mental health advocate will serve as emcee for the 2014 Prism Awards.

Ruth Altshuler Award

Honorees: Carol and Bob King – Mental Health Advocates

Honoree: Janice Daniel – Volunteer with DBSA

Advocates of volunteerism and service, Carol and Bob King have given their time, talent and resources to  the Depression and BiPolar disorder Support Alliance (DBSA-Dallas), a locally-run, independent affiliate of the National DBSA, which is the largest support organization in the nation devoted exclusively to mood disorders.   Carol and Bob launched DBSA-Dallas thirty-two years ago and are still opening up their home to monthly meetings. At four meetings a week, Carol and Bob have supported over 960 meetings and groups during their decades of service.

Janice Daniel will also be recognized for two decades of generous volunteer service to DBSA. Together with Bob and Carol, she helped improve the DBSA newsletter to be a community resource and stewarded the DBSA chapter to be self-sustaining for over 24 years.

Carmen Miller Michael Mental Health Advocate Award

Honoree:  Senator Bob Deuell , M.D. – Vice Chairman, Health & Human Services Committee

Before he joined the Senate in 2003, Senator Deuell served for ten years on the MHMR Board in his home town, Greenville.   We especially honor Senator Deuell for his work to pass SB 460, a bill to help educators receive better training for students and young people who may have mental illness.


In response to his award, Senator Deuell noted his experience with mental health patients in his medical practice. “For too long, physical and mental well-being have been considered separate areas. But I have seen in my practice that the two often go hand-in-hand and I am pleased that our state leaders are finally understanding the importance of this integration."

Matt Roberts, President of Mental Health America of Greater Dallas asserts, “Senator Deuell is a strong ally for mental health and SB 460 will make a positive impact in early intervention.“

Pamela Blumenthal Memorial Award

Honoree: Scott Black – CEO, Transicare, Inc.

Scott Black, LMSW entered the mental health field in 1989 as a volunteer for the Suicide & Crisis Center which led to a career change and pursuit of a masters degree at The University of Texas in Arlington.  Scott's first job in the field was working at Parkland's Psychiatric Emergency Room for Dallas Metrocare which, unbeknownst to him at the time, would serve to frame his life’s work for the next 20 years. "My time at Parkland ignited my passion to help those who found themselves in the particular vulnerabilities associated with being in crisis." In 2004 Scott founded Transicare, Inc. and partnered with Bonnie Athens, R.N. to create a specialty transportation company initially focused on transferring behavioral health clients from acute care settings.  "I feel great gratitude that I have a company where people in recovery and degreed professionals work side by side to find solutions for the people we serve."

Lightner Sams Foundation Child Advocate Award

Honoree: Dr. Harriet Boorhem – President, Promise House

Dr. Boorheim was appointed president of Promise House in 2001. During her tenure, Dr. Boorhem expanded access to care by instituting a counselor training program in collaboration with area universities. The result last year was 3840 provided to the community. Additionally Dr. Boorhem has worked to raise awareness and educate officials in Austin and Washington DC on children, adolescent mental health and homelessness. 


Special Recognition Award

Honoree: Bill Harris – CEO, Adapt of America 

Adapt founder and CEO, William Harris, holds a Masters of Social Work from the University of Arkansas and served as Deputy Commissioner of Community Services in Missouri for three years.  Adapt of Texas has been a provider in the public mental health system since 1999. In addition to expanding to offer Mobile Crisis Services from a central location in Dallas County, Mr. Harris has been instrumental in bringing additional services to Ellis and Navarro counties.



Admission to MHA PRISM Awards Ceremony is $75.  Ticket price includes valet parking and pre-event reception.

Visit  or contact Matt Roberts at  Tickets may also be purchased by calling 214-871-2420 ext.109.

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