Diane Feffer

Explore meditation practices to activate the body's calming response system and to effectively manage stress and anxiety and learn about the benefits of practicing mindful self-compassion. This SMU Continuing and Professional Education course offered this Saturday will offer simple techniques to create more emotional balance in your life, as well as the knowledge and skills to become more self-compassionate. This one-session class is for anyone interested in enjoying life more, having better relationships, less stress, and making better decisions.

 Recap of course below: 

Mindful Self-Compassion: The Path to a More Enriched Life

Instructor: Denette Mann, M.Ed., LPC-S, RPT-S, Certified in EMDR

Course fee: $55. 

Click here to register for this one-session course offered this Saturday, January 31st from 9:30 am to 12 noon on SMU Dallas campus. 

Course Instructor: Denette Mann

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