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Hannah Bennett, 17, a student at Ursuline Academy of Dallas, recently completed her Girl Scout Gold Award by redesigning the Hope Supply Co. warehouse, educating volunteers to the mission of the Hope Supply Co and exposing many to the importance of helping homeless children.  Before Hannah became a part of the team at Hope Supply Co, volunteers were lost and did not know the value of their commitment.  Now that has all changed.  Informational banners clearly state the mission and directional signs help everyone to be the most efficient. Pictures of her project can be viewed on Instagram @hannahs.hopesupply  Hope Supply Co. serves over 45,000 homeless children in the North Texas area and their numbers are always rising due to their continued collaboration with over 50 homeless services.  Their mission is to meet the critical needs of homeless children across North Texas by providing necessities including diapers, clothing, school supplies, toys, and programs to enhance their lives.

As the project was progressing, Hope Supply invited Hannah to join the student board at Hope Supply Co. She continues to help through her involvement on the board and the Hope Supply club at Ursuline Academy. 

Hannah has been a member of Girl Scouts since 2nd grade and says the program has taught her valuable life skills.  One of the most important was leadership skills along with patience, respect, responsibility, and confidence.  In her own words, “I gained very essential skills in this project that I can use for years to come.”

The Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest award a Girl Scout can earn, combines leadership development, career exploration and community service.  It culminates in an 80 plus hour leadership project that each girl plans and executes according to her own interest and passions. Each girl must discover an issue in the community, connect with experts and community members, and take action to effect positive change.

For more information about Girl Scouts, call Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas at 972-349-2400. Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas is 26,600 girls and 12,500 adult members strong. That's nearly 40,000 girls and adults who believe every girl can change the world! We have girls reaching their fullest potential in 32 northeast Texas counties. Our girls are discovering what’s important to them, connecting with their community, and taking action to make the world a better place!

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