Hanne Sagalowsky
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STRs (Short Term Rentals) through websites like Airbnb are popping up in Preston Hollow and Park Cities.  Are you aware of this happening in your neighborhood?  There are many potential problems with this occurrence. The owners of these homes, that are renting a room or an entire residence, are not necessarily following local zoning laws and are not reporting the income received properly.  In essence, these owners are operating a "hotel" by not renting for the designated 30 days or more.  A property currently listed on Airbnb in Preston Hollow, was recently on the market for sale, and is now furnished and advertised as a "whole house" rental.  The owner does not live at the address of this property, so it is basically a hotel, possibly in your neighborhood.  Others are advertised as close to Northpark. Some are listed in Highland Park.  If you suspect this is happening in your neighborhood, go to one of the websites to see if the property is listed, and be aware.  Your investment and character of your neighborhood could be compromised by this activity.

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