Hanne Sagalowsky
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Top Ten Things to get ready to list your home. Not all improvements need to be expensive to make a big impact on marketing.

1. Neutral Colors - Exterior & Interior - Use pleasing, neutral tones, so that buyers can see themselves living in your home. Strong colors show your personality, not theirs.

2. The Front Door - An attractive, updated, sturdy, & clean front door will be noticed, and it sends a message that you take care of your house.

3. The Door Bell - Like the front door, a working door bell shows you keep your home in order.

4. Landscaping - Yes, it can be expensive, but small updates can make a difference. Remove anything dead, trim shubbery, add fresh mulch. If it is spring, cut the grass and add annuals to the flowerbeds.

5. Eliminate Smells - "If you smell it, you cannot sell it". Ask someone that doesn't live with you to come in and notice if they smell anything, pets, smoke, or strong food. If they do, take steps to neutralize the odor. 

6. Lighting - Have all lighting working properly. Replace bulbs & clean those that work. 

7. Update the Kitchen - Little things such as new hardware and fresh paint can update a kitchen. There are value packs of cabinet knobs, that are attractive and less expensive than single knob pricing. Again, stay neutral with paint colors. 

8. Check Doors - Open & close all doors...closet doors, bedroom doors, exterior doors. If they squeak, spray with lubricant. If they stick or won't shut, find out why and repair. And don't forget the garage door, too!

9. Wash Windows - Even if your house is sparkling clean, dirty windows make it look dirty. Hiring it done is cheaper than you think. Just do it.

10. Plumbing - If a faucet drips, or a toilet runs, a buyer will notice even if you have gotten used to the sound.  Some of these are easy home repairs or make a list and call the plumber.

Hanne Sagalowsky | | 214-210-1530 | International Property Specialist

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