Preston Hollow BubbleLife -
I Asked, and You Delivered Some Awesome Mom and Dad Blogs

Y’all filled up my inbox. I seriously thought I was popular for a minute, but it was just because I asked mom and dad bloggers in the Dallas area to send me a link to their site if they were interested in being featured in an upcoming article, and our readers didn’t disappoint. After digging myself out of an Internet cavern of mom bloggers (yes, I read all your emails and several blog posts) and then re-learning how to blink, I picked a few that I wanted to introduce to our readers. Look for these bloggers and others I found in the Local Moms & Dads section of our interest site, InTheLoopKids.

Surprisingly, there were a lot of homeschooling parents that sent their blogs to me. (As a former homeschooler, I like to see my alma mater representing the blogosphere.)

In no particular order:

Frugal Fun For Boys

I have two little girls so four boys is a foreign concept to me, but this mommy is a total boy-mom with boy-mom skills like Lego powers and repairing holes in her walls. She’s homeschooling her active young gentlemen while expecting her first lady infant, all while blogging about how she’s staying creative on a budget and at the speed of boys. 

Crafty Texas Girls

This mommy is so cool and she has two girls. Once she learned the power of the hot glue gun, there was nothing this mom couldn’t do. Her home is beautiful, she is a wonderful interior designer, takes great photos, owns a local business, manages an Etsy shop of Girl Accessories, and posts really simple DIYs perfect for all moms to try.

DFW Metroplex Mommy

YES, YES & YES! This mom was exactly what I was looking for. She is on the ground in the DFW area and doing affordable things with her kids (most are essentially FREE). I actually added this mama to our Kid Activities section because she has great ideas that I’m excited to include on InTheLoopKids.

The Tru Story

I am blessed to have babies that don’t have any food allergies… that I know of so far. Some moms live with these restrictions daily and this food allergy-veteran mom has a son with an egg/peanut allergy. You can read about her journey, her laughs and the extra words in her head at her blog The Tru Story

Rise and Shine Girl Blog

Being a mom is not all glitter, rainbows and perfectly manicured laundry piles. Rather, being a parent and a mom can sometimes get real — think: tough decisions, embarrassing things, and sometimes the humor and absurdity of being responsible for another human being. Marnie is taking on those stories and topics over at Rise and Shine Girl

Carrie Elle

Carrie Elle is a proud Dallas mom who does all the things that cool mom bloggers do, then she adds a twist of Texas to it. She has a whole section for Awesome in Dallas. Check her out — you’ll get lost in a sea of momness.

Calling all Other Moms and Dads

InTheLoopKids and give you a platform to get your name and blog out there. We have a feature called iReporter, where you can submit your own original articles. Within your profile or at the end of your article, you can plug your blog or organization. As long as it doesn’t sound like a sales pitch, stays relevant to that community or topic and isn’t published anywhere else (your personal blog is OK), our editors can publish it on InTheLoopKids or other relevant communities. You can also post calendar events and bulletins!


I’m looking for feedback (be gentle): what new sections would you like to see on InTheLoopKids (Homeschooling, Moms of Faith, DIY, Opinions, Humor, Mom Diaries…etc.)? What kinds of mom/dad/parenting/kid-oriented content are you looking for on BubbleLife? Do you have any constructive criticism to the changes so far? Do you like the new logo and newsletter? You can email me at or you can leave your opinion in the comment section of this article on InTheLoopKids. 

Want me to review your blog for possible inclusion in the InTheLoopKids local parenting section? Send me an email at


InTheLoopKids and are categorized as search engines that search chosen RSS feeds for content that is relevant for our readers and communities. The views, opinions, and images expressed and shown by these 3rd party contributors are in no way a reflection of the official policy or position of BubbleLife Media but instead are of the author’s.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013