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The Jesuit Rangerettes work year round to perfect their dance routines for Jesuit College Preparatory School football games, Jesuit and Ursuline basketball games and drill team competitions.  While the Rangerettes dedication to to their squad is clearly evident, another passion that is close to their hearts is Serviam - latin for "I will serve."  On December 12, 2015 the Jesuit Rangerettes were invited to make a difference in the lives of many children by performing at the Opening ceremonies for Snowball Express 2015.  Since 2006, the mission of Snowball Express has been a simple, yet profoundly important one:  Provide hope and new happy memories to the children of military fallen heroes who have died while on active duty since 9/11.  We bring children together from all over the world for a four-day experience filled with fun activities, like sporting events, dances, amusement parks and more.  Parents of children of the fallen often tell us that their child is reserved or unwilling to talk about their loss.  Participating in Snowball Express changes that, making each child feel special and giving them an opportunity to share their feelings about losing something so precious, their parent.  More can be read about this organization at and the performance can be viewed at

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