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Teenagers who are 17 years old and younger can no longer wander throughout the NorthPark Center during the evening without an adult.

The shopping center's new Code of Conduct states that anyone under 18 who is unaccompanied after 6 p.m. will be asked to produce identification.

"Any person who fails to comply with the request of NorthPark Center management or security personnel may be asked to leave NorthPark Center," according to the Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct states that a parent or legal guardian cannot accompany more than six unrelated teenagers younger than 18 years old when the curfew goes into effect.

The policy does not apply to teenagers who work at the mall. Also, teenagers can attend movies without an adult during the curfew period but must leave the premises immediately afterwards.

In addition to the curfew, the Code of Conduct has placed restrictions on the attire worn by its guests.

Shoppers must dress "appropriately" and clothing cannot "obscure the face of any guest nor exhibit lewd, obscene, vulgar or offensive language or images," according to the Code of Conduct. Undergarments cannot be visible and shoes have to be worn at all times.