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Edgemere resident Cynthianna Hahn has an infectious passion for learning, teaching and speaking Spanish that started in her early twenties. Hahn fell in love with her second language while serving in the Peace Corps in Panama. After her service, Hahn pursued a career as a school social worker, where she helped students for twenty-six years in predominately Spanish-speaking schools in Chicago. Hahn is now sharing her dedication to continued education with her neighbors and friends at Edgemere, where she recently started the ‘Spanish Conversation Group’.

“I first thought of the idea to coordinate a group here at Edgemere because I wanted to use my Spanish skills to converse with other residents, and I am ecstatic that my idea came to fruition,” said Hahn. “The staff loved the concept of a Spanish-speaking group, and so far other residents have gravitated toward the idea. It’s incredibly rewarding to see my new friends and neighbors connect in such a unique and personal way that’s close to my heart. When we get together, we use current events, such as new movies or recent guest speakers at Edgemere, as a springboard to start a dialogue in Spanish. The goal is to keep each meeting different with fresh content, and hopefully new faces will join the conversation.”

The Spanish Conversation Group meets twice a month on Saturdays at Edgemere. The group is primarily intended for residents who want to practice or brush up on their Spanish-speaking skills. The conversations are typically focused on current events, similar to what you would discuss over lunch with friends. The new language group effectively highlights components of the Masterpiece Living® philosophy, a program that encourages residents to try new social, physical, intellectual and spiritual activities in order to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle.

“We were talking about the Oscars in Spanish during one Saturday meeting!” said Hahn. “It’s really an entertaining and interactive way to keep our brains engaged. It’s also a way to utilize our Spanish skills that many of us developed years ago and until now haven’t had the opportunity to practice.”

“Incorporating residents’ ideas is a critical part of Edgemere’s culture, and we are thrilled that Cynthianna’s group is so popular,” said John Falldine, managing director of Edgemere. “We want to ensure that the residents have opportunities to learn new things and rediscover themselves. We have received a positive response since the ‘Spanish Conversation Group’ had its first meeting, and we look forward to more residents using this opportunity to express themselves, as well as meet new friends.”

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