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Residents and staff members of Edgemere retirement community are on a mission to help children in North Texas make their birthday wishes come true. Edgemere recently partnered with the Texas-based nonprofit, the “Birthday Party Project”, which launched in 2012 with the goal to give homeless children the joy of having their very own birthday party. Edgemere kicked off the partnership at its monthly birthday celebration for residents by collecting toys that will be delivered to the “Birthday Party Project” organization. Edgemere resident Nancy Reiter celebrated her 88th birthday in March, and was delighted to take part in a project that is dedicated to helping children.

“I was thrilled to pieces when I heard that Edgemere was partnering with such a marvelous cause,” said Reiter. “Children need to feel the kind of love and joy that a birthday celebration brings, and it breaks my heart to know that so many children have never experienced a birthday party before. I feel grateful I’m able to help a child feel loved on a day that is all about celebrating them.”

Each month, the organization’s volunteers known as “birthday enthusiasts,” head to numerous homeless and transitional homes across the country to celebrate children’s birthdays that fall in that particular month. A handful of staff members at Edgemere have volunteered as the newest “birthday enthusiasts”, delivering donated toys and birthday surprises to children in need in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. This new partnership focuses on some of the components of the Masterpiece Living® philosophy, a program that encourages Edgemere residents to try new social, physical, intellectual and spiritual activities in order to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle.

“Edgemere is very proud to be part of a Texas-based organization that takes great pride in changing the lives of children, one birthday party at a time,” said John Falldine, executive director of Edgemere. “Edgemere residents and staff members are some of the kindest, most caring individuals you will ever meet, so of course their wish is for every child to have the opportunity to blow out a birthday candle on their special day.”

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