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The City of Dallas announced plans to spray for mosquitoes in Preston Hollow and North Dallas through Wednesday in the ongoing battle against the West Nile virus outbreak of 2012, which claimed its thirteenth victim on Monday — a Preston Hollow resident.

A woman in her 90s who lived in the 75229 ZIP code is the latest West Nile-related death, the second in the Preston Hollow area, the Dallas County health department said. And like most of this year’s fatalities, she had underlying health issues.

Dallas County will begin its so-called targeted ground assault at 10 p.m. Monday, and it will last for three consecutive nights; spraying will be in an area bounded by Preston Road, Royal Lane, N. Central Expressway and Northwest Highway; spraying will spread east, to near White Rock Lake.

Aerial spraying in these areas of Dallas, along with Highland Park and University Park, could begin later this week.

"While the insecticide is considered safe, residents in the (spraying area) should avoid contact with the spray by staying indoors," according to a City of Dallas statement. "Persons inside a vehicle while trucks are actively spraying should remain in their vehicles with the windows up and the air conditioner on until the trucks pass and the spray is no longer visible."