Lisa Rothberg – Guest Contributor
Aug 24 2017
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Past President Aric Stock and Membership Chair Lauren Green

On Sunday, August 20 new and prospective members met and mingled with Temple Shalom Board Members, Committee Chairs and Clergy. After a delicious brunch provided by Catering by Larry, our guests learned what makes Temple Shalom so special. While adults learned about Brotherhood, Sisterhood and the many ways that they can become involved in Temple Shalom, the youngest members ate donuts and colored at the Young Families table. Children met Director of Lifelong Learning Rabbi Ariel Boxman and Youth Director Hallie Weiner.  Kids were excited to hear about the monthly dress up/spirit days at Religious School and all the new upcoming  youth group events. “We have a fabulous year planned, full of learning, hands on experiences and, most of all, fun!” Past President Dennis Eichelbaum and his wife Julie helped lead tours, answer questions and explain the Temple Shalom philosophy. Thank you to Membership Chair Lauren Green for planning this fantastic Open House.