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Fall Festival 2011 Middle School students Jake McLaughlin, Ella Hoffman-Coyle, Lauren d'Etienne, and Cameron Cantrell and their fellow classmates planned and staffed the Annual St. Alcuin Fall Festival as part of their community service initiatives.

Nearly 400 ghouls and goblins, along with their friends and family, joined the fun at St. Alcuin Montessori School's Annual Fall Festival on Oct. 28. St. Alcuin Middle School students led this school-wide effort by planning, setting up and staffing the entire festival for the St. Alcuin community and near neighbors. The festival included food, crafts, games and entertainment provided by St. Alcuin 5th grade choir students, who wowed the crowd with their special "Thriller" dance.

St. Alcuin inspires its students to reach their highest levels of personal and academic achievement, guides them to become compassionate global citizens, and prepares them to embrace challenges with confidence and innovation by providing the ideal Montessori and International Baccalaureate education.