Libby Powers
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All aboard for an exciting trip on the Polar Express!

This week at The Winston School, the Upper Elementary students treated the Lower Elementary students to a fanciful train ride on the famous Polar Express. In preparation for this ride, they transformed a classroom into a car of the well known train. Upper Elementary students, dressed as engineers, ran the depot, operated the train and served as hosts afterwards. Each class that was invited to ride the train had to have a ticket to board the train. Engineers visited the classrooms beforehand to distribute tickets to the students and escort them along the tracks laid out in the hallways to the train depot. Once the Lower Elementary students arrived at the depot, the ticketmasters collected tickets and escorted them aboard. Upon finding a seat on the train, the students enjoyed the audio production of the book, The Polar Express. After their imaginary ride was over, hot chocolate was served. Upper Elementary enjoyed serving as hosts and Lower Elementary enjoyed the experience. It was a great way to usher in the holiday season at The Winston School.

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