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Sports Portal Plays Up Personal Photos, Videos, Statistics, Trading Cards, Team Pages and Smartphone App

Social media just scored another home run for sports fans., the latest creation of social entrepreneur Neil Salisbury, is an online portal that allows athletes to create personal pages, huddle online with teammates, and stay connected with friends and fans while sharing both virtual and printed personalized sports trading cards.

The champion sports portal is transforming social media platforms into social media playing fields. The site and corresponding smartphone app are open to athletes of all levels, ages, and sports. Signup is fast, free and easy through or

“SportalCards supports each athlete’s personal achievements and gives them the chance to share milestones with teammates, friends, family, and fans. No other website gives players the ability to record their statistics, communicate online as a team, and network with other athletes both online and through trading of virtual and printed sports cards,” said Salisbury, SportalCards founder.

Athletes can score big with personal sports pages that feature their statistics and achievements organized by game and season. Players can also post and share their favorite sports videos and photos, all while building a network of friends, fans, and teammates.

SportalCards is throwing a curve ball at the trading card pastime by adding a digital spin to the time honored tradition of collecting and trading sports cards. Athletes can easily build their own sports cards which can be customized with their photo, name, team, and statistics. Each shareable, tradable card is printed with a special QR code that links to the player’s personal online SportalCards page. 

Further refreshing the trading card tradition, SportalCards also provides a patent pending smartphone app to trade, collect, and view virtual trading cards. The app, which is free on any iPhone or iPad device, lets friends and fans view photos and videos, and allows players to share their personal trading cards and sports information with pals. The app also supports photo sharing among teams and friends and an instant messaging feature to provide game updates with fans and teammates. The Android version of this app is currently in development and will be available soon.

The site’s Team Page helps coaches and athletes manage practice and game calendars, discuss issues via private message boards, store documents and playbooks, analyze data, and upload photos to an exclusive environment unique to each team. To keep team members and fans up-to-date on the latest team information, SportalCards also provides a photo sharing feature and the ability to send blast information through IM, email or text.

While SportalCards’ digital services and “do it yourself” cards are completely free, the site also provides a service for athletes to print professional quality trading cards. The site has a revenue sharing program that donates portions of proceeds from the sale of these printed trading cards to participating leagues and school fundraising campaigns.

“SportalCards is proud to support the sports community through free social media services as well as our revenue sharing program that donates a portion of profits from professionally printed trading cards to team fundraising campaigns. SportalCards is all about promoting athletics and sports organizations with one-of-a-kind services that are free, fun, and easy to use. Our goal is to make every player feel like an MVP,” said Salisbury.


Dallas-based SportalCards is a free, fun social networking site for athletes. No matter what the sport, SportalCards lets athletes create personal pages and team hubs to enhance their love of the game. Athletes can update their personal pages with statistics by game and season, videos, photos, contacts, team information and data. Athletes can also create their own sports trading cards that come with a personal QR code and smartphone app that allows them to trade, view and share both their printed and virtual sports information.  

To learn more about SportalCards, visit or

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