Nicole Jacobsen
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More than 50 students from Dallas-area schools packed the Competition Gymnasium on the Episcopal School of Dallas campus for the “Fit for a King” chess tournament on Saturday, October 5. The tournament, organized by ESD parent, Paco Gomez and Zora Skelton, ESD’s third and fourth grade math and Spanish teacher, raised more than $750 for the ESD Chess Club through registration fees and concession sales. Students from St. Mark’s, Lakehill, Lamplighter, St. Mark’s, Centennial Elementary, the Alcuin School, and ESD all participated in the tournament.

The tournament allowed each participant (kindergarten through 12th grade) to compete in five games within their age bracket. Trophies were then awarded for first through fourth place in each section and among each team.

Final Results:
1st place: ESD
2nd place: St Mark’s
3rd place: Lakehill
4th place: Lamplighter
5th place: Centennial Elementary
6th place: Alcuin

To see photos from the event, please click here.

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