Lisa Rothberg – Guest Contributor
Jan 30 2018
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Every little girl dreams about her dream wedding. The beautiful flowers, perfect dress, a room full of friends and the perfect delicious cake. Of course, they dream about the perfect partner too- Big brown eyes, a cute button nose, perfect white fur and 12 inches tall—well, when you are a teddy bear planning your wedding at Temple Shalom Religious School that’s what you dream about! 

On Sunday, January 21, second graders in Tamara Farris’ class got to plan, organize and throw the biggest teddy bear wedding of all time. Some kids even dressed in their finest clothes. Others came in their favorite pajamas- since it was also the monthly spirit day at Temple Shalom. Boys and girls worked with Tamara and her Ozrim assistants to write an original Ketubah with all the “important rules of marriage”: Live a happy and healthy life, celebrate birthdays, take care of each other when sick, stay together, take care of the kids, be kind and honest and use money wisely. These second graders seem very wise at such a young age. 

After the serious topic of writing the Ketubah was finished, it was time for the party planning. Hanging decorations, coloring beautiful doilies for the Chuppah, decorating cupcakes for all the guests, and even learning the traditional bottle dance from Fiddler on the Roof. The entire class stayed focused and on task all morning. Time flies when you are having fun and before they knew it the guests had arrived. Parents, Tots Academy Participants, Kindergarten and First Graders all joined together for the big ceremony. 

Rabbi Boxman and her assistant, Rabbi Bear, officiated the special ceremony. After both bears exchanged vows, it was time for the breaking of the glass. The Wedding party and guests all practiced crushing plastic cups and even discussed the meaning of this symbolic tradition. 

"The kids had such a good time making a Ketubah, decorating their own wedding (cup)cakes, and designing their own chuppah." "As usual, I learned more from them than they learned from me,” exclaimed teacher/ Wedding Party Planner, Tamara Farris.

 After the ceremony, the music started blaring and it was time to hit the dance floor. Guests danced to “Love Shack” and a variety of other Love-themed songs, as they practiced the bottle dance and showed off their best dance moves. Of course the wedding party and guests had to pose for photos with the bride and groom, and then it was time for the highlight of the afternoon—the wedding cupcakes. When the kids were asked if all the planning was worth it, they all shouted “YES!” What was their favorite part? You guessed it—the cake! 

Working together to plan this teddy bear wedding was an experience these students will always remember. “The 2nd graders are having a wonderful time this year learning about Jewish lifecycle events,” explained Rabbi Ariel Boxman. “Even though it will likely be years before they have their own Jewish wedding, they now have an idea of what it may be like.  The learning was joyful, experiential and memorable.  This is what we try to provide for all of our students here at Temple Shalom!”

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