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Glenn Mendelsohn, WOV Staci Mendelsohn, and Brandon Mendelsohn


On Wednesday, October 25, 2017, Staci Romick Mendelsohn was named Temple Shalom Sisterhood's 2018 Woman of Valor (WOV). This unforgettable evening began with the Temple Shalom Sisterhood Paid Up Dinner. Guests enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by Catering by Ed. The highlight of the evening was a fantastic panel of speakers: Jill Cumnock, Ronald McDonald House, CEO; Lisa Brodsky, CHAI House, CEO; Mary O'Conner, O’Conner & Advisors, LLC, President; and Cathy Barker, Jewish Family Service, COO/CDO!  During this Wonder Woman theme inspired evening, panelists shared pearls of wisdom about leadership and success including: “Make sure to network”, “Be a great listener”. “Do what others won’t do, so you can have what they don’t have”, “Follow your Passion”, and “Follow the road less traveled.” These amazing wonder women credited their success to  parents, spouses, mentors and even the amazing parents that they come in contact with who are surviving everyday struggles.

After a standing ovation, it was time to move onto the long awaited announcement.  Keo Strull, Sisterhood's 2017 WOV honoree, began her speech with the traditional “clues as to the identity of this year’s recipient.” “She is a Texas girl, born and raised in Dallas. She has been a member of Temple Shalom her entire life. She is married to her college sweetheart, and they have two children. She played club soccer at the University of Texas, as a defender. This explains her passion as a soccer mom with her daughter….

Yes, Staci is definitely deserving of this year’s Award. She was a very successful Sisterhood president.  She is a second generation president because her mom, Lynn Romick of blessed memory, was also a Sisterhood president at Temple Shalom.  Staci learned at an early age the importance of giving back to her community. She has been involved with so many Temple and Sisterhood projects and events.

Plans are in the works for the Big Event. The Woman of Valor Celebration will be held on April 15, 2018 at the Renaissance Dallas Richardson Hotel. For more information, contact Ali Rhodes at or Gail Davidson at

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