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On Sunday, December 10, Temple Shalom Sunday School students and Tots Academy children began preparing for the holiday of Hanukkah.  The activities varied by age, but everyone definitely got into the  Hanukkah spirit.  As always the celebrations were packed with learning, delicious snacks and fun. Tots Academy children enjoyed dancing and singing with Mr. Farris, learning the story of Hanukkah-complete with a science lesson about oil and finished their morning by playing together and enjoying the beautiful weather on the playground. Religious School students kicked off their pre-Hanukkah celebrations in full force. Older students decorated and ate delicious edible cookie menorahs, fried and filled their own jelly donuts, and played competitive dreidel games. Younger students  made glittered Hanukkah art and crafted beautiful Hanukkah candles by melting broken crayons.  “Everyone really got into the Hanukkah spirit today in school! The smells of frying jelly donuts and the noises of laughter in the halls made it a day to remember!” -Rabbi Boxman

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