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On Sunday, October 7, 2018, every room of Temple Shalom was bustling with activity. Brotherhood filled the gathering space by hosting a back to school pancake breakfast for religious school students and parents. Always trying to do a mitzvah, they also hosted a blood drive and invited AEPi Dallas to set up a table to gain awareness for a Marrow Donor Drive. Sisterhood hosted a welcome tea and debuted the Traditions Gift Shop rolling cart with fantastic new merchandise.  

On the other side of the building, children in kindergarten through seventh grade joined together for the first day of religious school. After taking memorable first day photos in the lobby, it was off to class. Learning and laughter filled each room as students reunited with old friends, met new teachers and started to get to know each other.”

"Temple Shalom Religious School is off to great start! We have added several exciting new programs for students and families. We now have elective choices to enhance and personalize each student's learning explanation point " exclaimed Director of Lifelong Learning, Rabbi Ariel Boxman. Some of the new electives include:  Krav Maga, cooking and guitar. Another exciting new twist to the curriculum is that parents can now participate in Religious School! In the fall, parents can stay for a yoga class and in the spring sign up for Krav Maga while their children attend religious school. It’s just another way for parents to connect at Temple Shalom

Temple Shalom also offers Temple Shalom Mamas, a monthly playgroup for moms and babies (0-2), a Junior Youth Group, a Tribe Program to promote bonding among students in school and even a Junior Choir Program for grades 2 and up. These programs are mixed in with old favorites: Monthly Spirit Days, Blessing of the Pets, Tots Academy and of course fun-filled Jewish holiday celebrations like HanukkahFest, PurimFest and PassoverFest. To find out more about Temple Shalom Religious School, contact Rabbi Boxman at