Libby Powers


Hope…Patience… Perseverance…as the parent of a child with ADHD, I have learned so much.   

This journey has had many trials and tribulations and at times, it made me question myself as a parent. But for Caleb, the challenges and residual effects of ADHD far outweighed anything I could imagine. Since pre-school, Caleb has had challenges.  Academically, Caleb always performed and tested above his peers, but emotionally and socially he lagged. We were on an endless search to find the right place for him. Even with medication, he struggled every day to focus on the task at hand. The harder he tried to keep it all together, the more frustrating it became. 

Knowing that I had to do something for my son, I began to research and visit schools that specialized in learning differences, particularly ADHD.  I desired a school where Caleb could continue to be challenged academically yet understood his daily challenges.  So like many parents I visited numerous schools, including Winston.  There was something different about Winston.  The staff was welcoming; the kids were engaged and happy, and the parents understood not only Caleb’s struggle but my struggle.  Caleb has always been a happy, artistic, creative little guy, and everywhere I turned I saw an emphasis on the creative expressions and uniqueness of the students.  I was moved to tears at the ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES and HOPE Winston would present for my son.

Since his first day at Winston, life for Caleb has been a complete transformation.  He’s excited about going to school.  He fusses about not getting him to school early enough for him to play with his friends.  Yes, Caleb has friends.  Caleb has been invited for sleepovers and play dates.  He even plays chess.  He brags to his brother about all the “awesomeness” and fun he has at Winston. Now his younger brother wants to attend Winston! Caleb exhibits confidence and happiness.  He feels included and safe.  I smile at my son and truly believe that Caleb will achieve all that he desires because of the Winston community.

 If you have a bright child who learns differently and are looking for a college prep school for them, please contact The Winston School at Visit our website at

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