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Learning for Life: It’s All About Balance

From the moment children are born they start learning – soaking up information like a sponge from observing, discovering and eventually exploring the world around them. Young children develop at a remarkable rate mentally, physically, emotionally and socially, especially during the first five years of their life. This time period presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for children to build a well-rounded foundation of skills that will allow them to excel later on in life. Parents, caregivers and educators can help build this foundation by providing children with a balance of rich, purposeful learning experiences early on.

"The first five years of a child’s life is the best time to engage her mind to develop skills that will allow her to thrive not only in school, but in life," says Gloria Julius, Ed.D., vice president of education and professional development at Primrose Schools. "An ideal educational environment for young children blends child exploration with guidance from teachers to build on a child’s natural curiosity about the world through purposeful play."

Child-initiated learning occurs as children play and interact with their environment, while teacher-guided learning occurs through guidance and modeling by adults. Early education environments that balance and blend both approaches to learning, while incorporating character development, physical development and life skills into daily classroom experiences, help ensure every child reaches his full potential.

Learning, however, is not limited to the classroom. Dr. Gloria Julius recommends the following at-home activities that balance exploration with guided learning and spark children’s cognitive, physical and social-emotional development.

Exercise decision-making and critical thinking skills by playing with puzzles together. Let your child try out different pieces rather than showing her the right ones.

Build language and literacy skills by writing a story with your little one. Get his input on the storyline and ask him to add the illustrations.

Develop important motor and traveling skills by tossing a ball with your child or chasing each other in a game of tag. Being active together helps children build a love for physical activity.

Explore science and nutrition by planting a fruit and vegetable garden together. Your child’s natural curiosity will spark questions and exploration as she watches seeds grow and transform.

Model important character traits such as compassion, kindness and generosity for your child. Volunteer at your local animal shelter or share veggies from your garden with a neighbor. Involve your child when you can so he can learn the joy of giving back firsthand.

Every experience is a learning opportunity for a child. Help your little one build the foundation she needs for learning and life by providing a nurturing environment that encourages exploration and investigation while balancing cognitive, physical and social-emotional skills.

Primrose Schools is a national family of dedicated leaders serving children, families and communities in our premier accredited early education and care schools. To learn about Primrose School of Preston Hollow, visit or call 214-369-7774. For more parenting tips, visit our 360 Parenting blog at

The Power of Early Childhood Education
Monday, 22 June 2015