Julia Shelton
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Primrose School of Preston Hollow Caring and Giving

Every parent wants their child to be compassionate and generous, but with today’s expectations of instant gratification and focus on digital interactions, teaching children the joy of giving back and helping others can be more of a challenge. Add to that the fact that young children are naturally focused on themselves, and the task of encouraging caring and giving behaviors in children seems overwhelming. But, there is hope. A study conducted by two Harvard anthropologists, John and Beatrice Whiting, observed the altruistic practices of children in six world cultures. Their findings indicate that children assigned more household responsibilities are more helpful and giving.

By helping to instill the value of giving back in young children, we introduce them to the sense of fulfillment that is derived from helping others, ultimately contributing to a more well-rounded future in the classroom and in life. And research shows that young children who have high prosocial skills – or behaviors meant to benefit another – are also among the most cognitively ready for school.

At the Primrose School of Preston Hollow, we integrate activities and lessons that encourage responsibility and help develop these prosocial skills as part of our Balanced Learning® curriculum. For example, during our Caring and Giving program, our students perform household chores to provide food items for families in need around the holidays. The students combine – and learn to count – their earnings, create a detailed shopping list and visit the grocery store to purchase items, providing them with a hands-on approach to developing math, nutrition and planning skills. This annual event provides Primrose parents with a fun way to encourage household chores, and it helps students understand the value of generosity. Some students even create Thanksgiving or caring message cards to send along with the donated food.

“Children who learn the value of helping and giving back at a young age are able to develop a sense of empathy and citizenship,” said Julia Shelton, Franchise Owner of the Primrose School of Preston Hollow. “By encouraging Primrose students to participate in a meaningful, hands-on way, we are empowering them with the character traits and tools necessary to continue making a difference in their communities and to enjoy doing it.”

At the Primrose School of Preston Hollow, we are passionate about helping children learn the joy and fulfillment of lending a helping hand to others from a young age so we can prepare them for greater success in school and in life.

To learn more about Primrose Schools Balanced Learning® or how to enroll your child at Primrose School of Preston Hollow, please visit or call 214-369-7774.

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