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SPARK 2019 & SPA.jpg (L to R) Emily Touchstone, Quarrell Whittington, Sammie Johnston, Tina Graves, Margaret DeTullio, Clare Stein, Joni Harris, Jessica Slaven

Six employees from Shelton School are the recipients of the 2018-2019 Shelton Parents’ Association Recognition Kudos (SPARK) Award.  This is the fourth year for the award to be presented by Shelton Parents’ Association (SPA).  All were recognized May 29th at the year-end staff appreciation luncheon, where each awardee received a SPARK crystal award and a check for $500.  Honored were Joni Harris (Lower School), Margaret DeTullio and Clare Stein (Upper Elementary), Tina Graves  (Middle School), Sammie Johnston (Upper School) and Quarrell Whittington (at large).    On hand to present the awards were Emily Touchstone and Jessica Slaven from the SPA. 

Quarrell Whittington also drew the lucky number and was prizewinner to drive a vehicle from Goodson Acura of Dallas for the summer.

“These six exemplify Shelton’s tagline of engaging, enriching and empowering students, said Head of School Linda Kneese at the luncheon, “and we are pleased to celebrate these well-deserved accolades.”

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