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Chinese teachers arrive at Shelton

Shelton School is used to having students on campus for a three-day visit.  It’s all part of the standard admission process.  Usually the students range from early childhood through twelfth grade.  On March 26th, however, the students were all adults, and all from China.

Eleven teachers from Shanghai spent four days in training at Shelton.  Nancy Chang, Ph.D., director of the Montessori Training Academy of Shanghai, and her group of Montessori educators observed in Shelton’s lower and upper elementary school classes, in addition to completing training in Shelton’s Montessori Applied to Children at Risk (MACAR). 

Shelton has developed a strong relationship with this academy.  Joyce Pickering, Ph.D., Shelton’s Executive Director Emerita, and Amy Kelton, Shelton’s Head of Upper Elementary, previously traveled to China in October 2017 to work with 51 Montessorians.  They will do so again in June 2018, when they will work with 90 teachers.

“This has been a great collaboration,” says Dr. Pickering.  “Everyone in Shanghai has been wonderful to work with, and it is fun for us to learn from one another through such a rewarding cultural exchange. Shelton has long been a proponent of blending Dr. Maria Montessori’s precepts with the best practices for helping students with learning differences.  It’s truly going global.”

City and civic officials also extended a warm welcome to the students.  Ken Malcolmson, President and CEO of the North Dallas Chamber of Commerce, and Dallas City Councilperson Sandy Greyson (District 12) each met and officially greeted the Chinese teachers during their visit.

Shelton also ensured that the students had a taste of all things Texana.  “We made sure our teachers from China experienced a few of our finest traditions,” said Shelton Executive Director Suzanne Stell.  Ken Utz' music students sang Deep in the Heart of Texas for the visitors, and attendees were presented with goody bags packed with Texas treats.

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