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Girl Scout Junior Troop 5410 of St. Monica Catholic School began this school-year by taking on and completing the Agent of Change Journey. Through this experience Troop 5410 was able to study and become familiar with the power and ability of the individual Girl Scout, a team, and an entire community, respectively.   This task prompted a thought process that led to the girls to decide to team up with Duck Team 6, and put the Troop in action.  If you are not familiar with Duck Team 6, it is a wonderful and compassionate organization dedicated to reducing the population of dogs without a home, through capture, placement and outreach.


The Troop began by asking our community for donations of dry dog food for our project.  Predictably the community response was great and the Troop collected over 500-pounds of food.  The girls then spent several hours separating the food into smaller portions held in gallon-sized bags.  The dog food will be made available to pets at a mobile soup kitchen assisting the homeless and low-income families.  Troop 5410 wanted to do more to help stray dogs in our area, so the Troop also purchased material needed to make dog toys.  These dog toys will be handed out to dog owners during the Spay/Neuter & Wellness Clinics that Duck Team 6 sponsors.  


Each of the girls gained so much from the project, and had a great time working on it.  We would like to thank the St. Monica Community for helping us to make all of our efforts possible, and to Duck Team 6 for allowing our Troop to do our part in helping our community.

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