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Cynthia Salzman Mondell and Allen Mondell

The Board of Trustees of the Dallas Historical Society has announced the 2015 Awards for Excellence (AFE) in Community Service, a prestigious honor bestowed on those who demonstrate robust generosity of spirit, civic leadership, and ability to encourage community-wide participation in a particular phase of the growth of the city. The recipients will be honored at the 34th annual AFE luncheon on Thursday, November 19 at the Fairmont Hotel.


“This event recognizes those who have contributed their time, talent and resources to make history in their respective areas, and we look forward to celebrating their achievements,” said Kit Sawers who serves as this year’s event chair.


Louise Caldwell, who serves as the AFE advisor/coordinator for the event, announced that Elizabeth “Liza” Lee and William M. Lee are the 2015 honorary co-chairs. Caldwell said, “Representing excellence and national leadership in their respective fields of education and medicine, Liza and Will Lee are both known for their generous gifts and volunteer contributions to the Dallas community. The Lees are true examples of the best of Dallas.”


New this year is the Sports Leadership award, which will be given to hometown hero and recent NFL Hall of Fame inductee, Tim Brown.

The recipients of the 2015 Awards for Excellence:

Arts Leadership – Giselle “Gigi” Antoni

This award is given to that individual who has enriched the cultural life of Dallas as a planner, organizer, fundraiser, collector or art historian.


Business – Richard Eiseman, Jr.

This award is given to that individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the business climate of the community.


Creative Arts – Bill Booziotis  

This award is given to that individual whose prominence as a practitioner of the fine arts as artisan, architect, writer, composer, producer or performer has enriched the cultural environment of Dallas.


Education – Margaret “Marnie” Wildenthal

This award is given to that individual who has made an exceptional contribution to the field of education as a teacher, administrator or benefactor.


Health/Sciences-Medicine – Robert W. Haley, M.D.

This award is given to that individual who has made an outstanding contribution through prominence or public service in medicine, scientific research, the behavioral sciences or public health.


Humanities – The Reverend Dr. Ronald E. Jones

This award is given to that individual whose active sense of civic duty has provided leadership in achieving specific community goals or who has researched and chronicled aspects of the history of Dallas and Texas.


Humanities/History – Cynthia Salzman Mondell and Allen Mondell

This award is given to that individual whose active sense of civic duty has provided leadership in achieving specific community goals or who has researched and chronicled aspects of the history of Dallas and Texas.


Philanthropy – Gerald Ford   

This award is given to that individual whose personal generosity has greatly benefited this city.


Sports Leadership – Tim Brown   

This award is given to that individual who has brought distinction or achievement to team or individual sports as an athlete, coach, journalist, promoter or sports advocate.


Volunteer Community Leadership – Vikki J. Martin and the Ferguson Road Initiative         

This award is given to that individual whose generous gift of self has enriched the community.


Jubilee History Makers – Matrice and Ron Kirk

Created in 1991 and given in recognition of Jubilee Dallas!, this award recognizes an individual whose achievements extend to more than one of the awards categories. 

Tickets begin at $125, and underwriter levels begin at $1,000. To purchase a ticket or to become an underwriter, visit to download a form.

Established in 1922, the Dallas Historical Society is the preeminent organization of its kind in Dallas, collecting, preserving, and exhibiting the unique heritage of Dallas and Texas to educate and inspire future generations. The stories of Dallas are shared each day through the three million items that comprise its archives and artifact collections. Housed at the Hall of State in Fair Park since 1938, the Society presents these collections through education programs, exhibitions, tours, access to research materials and workshops. Each year, the Dallas Historical Society is visited by more than 160,000 people and serves more than 20,000 students through guided tours and educational programming at the Hall of State, as well as outreach programs at school locations. More information can be found at

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