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The scorecards have been tallied and the big winners are the kids of Moss Haven Elementary. On Saturday, Feb. 22, Moss Haven Elementary PTA hosted its annual fundraising dinner and auction and netted a record amount of funds for the school: $136,514 -- more than has ever been raised for this Lake Highlands public elementary school located in Richardson ISD.

Moss Haven Elementary is known for having strong support from its parents and community.  All funds raised go back into the school to help provide quality education for the students. It's par for the course as funds will tee up support for reading and other instructional specialists, discretionary money for each teacher to use in their classrooms, farm funding, field trips, campus improvement projects, technology upgrades, general staff/teacher support, scholarships to graduating seniors that attended Moss Haven and much more.

The theme of the evening's festivities was Caddyshack. Always famous for its themes (past events have included tributes to reality TV, Boogie Nights and Deep in the Heart of Dallas), this annual fundraiser is always Moss Haven Elementary PTA's largest event of the year.  Attendees came to Royal Oaks Country Club (aka "Bushwood Country Club" for the evening) dressed as their favorite characters from the 1980s cult classic. From Judge Smails to caddy Danny Noonan and the beautiful Lacy Underall -- all made "appearances" at this fundraiser, which was all for the kids but also fun for the adults. Live music entertainment was provided by The Vegas Stars.  (And no, no one stepped on a duck.)

Moss Haven Elementary PTA is particularly proud of its "awesome foursome," the volunteer PTA auction co-chairs who organized and led the event: Lisa Johnson, Ashley Gomez, Kristie Ince, and Kathy Swinney.

Rodney Dangerfield’s character was famously quoted in Caddyshack saying that golf courses and cemeteries were full of dead people.  Moss Haven Elementary PTA proved that support of its children's educations was very much alive and well, even on a golf course!

Moss Haven Elementary is located at 9202 Moss Farm Ln. in the Lake Highlands area of Dallas.  Moss Haven is an elementary school in Richardson Independent School District. 



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