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Photo by Casey Holder

The Magdalen House, a nonprofit organization helping women achieve sobriety and sustain recovery from alcoholism at no cost and based on 12-Step spiritual principles, held the annual Leave a Legacy “Live Loud and Free” community concert on November 3 at The Rustic, with guests decked out in their finest western wear. Those in attendance were treated to compelling stories of recovered alcoholic women from the community and live entertainment by Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors. Guests were able to bid on incredible auction items — all while celebrating The Magdalen House’s 35th anniversary and raising awareness and much-needed funds to help D/FW women achieve sobriety and sustain long-term recovery from alcoholism.

“Leave a Legacy is our favorite event of the year,” says Lisa Kroencke, executive director of The Magdalen House. “We created this event with the inspiration of the very women we serve in mind. Witnessing recovered alcoholic women come together and help others find freedom and recovery from alcoholism is incredible. Leave a Legacy was designed to demonstrate the importance of the services The Magdalen House provides to all alcoholic women and reduce the stigma surrounding alcoholism while inspiring attendees to make a lasting impact that will help alcoholic women. We are extremely grateful for the generous support of our community.” 

This year’s event was co-chaired by Alyson Griffith, Kathleen Powell, and Kristy Hoglund Robinson. Nancy and Jack Zogg were recognized as honorary chairs this year for their integral role in advancing the mission and realizing the vision of The Magdalen House. The couple generously gives both time and gifts in hopes of ensuring that the life-saving services provided by The Magdalen House are available to any alcoholic woman desperately seeking a transformed life. Robin Bagwell was also honored at this year’s Leave a Legacy event as the 2022 Paul Tate Advocate Award Recipient. Robin is a longtime supporter of The Magdalen House and has helped transform the lives of countless alcoholic women and their families throughout the greater Dallas-Fort Worth community. Bagwell generously supports many causes across the D/FW community, she has also supported a handful of other recovery initiatives, nonprofits, and events, including, but not limited to, Nexus, CARE, New Friends New Life, Recovery Resource Council, and the Dallas 24 Hour Club throughout the last twenty years. Robin values her own recovery and has been a part of a 12-Step fellowship for over 20 years. Service and fellowship are both essential to her recovery, and she finds purpose in helping others to live happy, joyous, and free.

Support for alcoholic women across D/FW and beyond continues to grow. According to a recent study, women increased their drinking by 41% more than before the pandemic. Today, there are over 250,000 alcoholic women in D/FW alone. Less than 1 in 15 alcoholic women (only 6.9%) will seek formal help. Because women face more stigmatization, shame, family responsibilities, and socioeconomic barriers than men, they frequently have co-occurring disorders and are less likely to seek treatment. If you’re an alcoholic who can’t stop drinking or a concerned loved one of an alcoholic, the first step in recovery is education and access to resources. In North Texas, The Magdalen House is not only a leader in education around alcoholism but also provides in-house services, group meetings, structured programs, family support groups, and tools designed to help grow and sustain recovery. Fundraising events like Leave a Legacy help to ensure that The Magdalen House can continue providing no-cost services to alcoholic women.


Event supporters:

The Hoglund Foundation; Klint & Natalie Guerry; Nancy & Jack Zogg; Dr. Kay Colbert and Carlos Barroso; Seale Wealth Management; Sewell Automotive Group; The Moozie Foundation; Align Capital Partners; Cornerstone Home Lending Inc.; Margaret Paine; Julie & Kregg Jodie; Barb & Mike Tonti; Lisa & Dave Kroencke; Sueie & David O’Hara; JoAnne & Eddy Moore; Matthew Fleeger; Maura & Tim         Costello; Neva   Cochran; First United Bank; Comerica; Buford Hawthorne; Hailstone Insurance Group; Maria Pope Interiors, LLC; Hirsch Family Foundation; Bob Bracken; Deborah & David Burch; Dina Steele; Karen & Mark Carney; Louise Hallam; Paige & Richard Sowden; North Dallas Bank and Trust; Children's Health System Texas; Alli & Ben Parkey; Amanda & Michael Dickstein; Anne & Jeremy Besser; Jenny & Brant Landry; Carol & Tim Savins; Cissy & Whit Moses; Claudia & Rick Ferrara; Roxanne & Colin Pero; Kallie & Craig Myers; Darlene & Jim Kroencke; Libby & Dean Lucas; Debby Baker; Nancy & Doug McMahon;           Kathleen & Rocky Powell; Nancy & Jim     Montgomery; Read & Steven Gendler; Sara Lee & Stan Gardner;  Susan & Dave Cook; Diane & John Brooks; Berkeley & Jason Downie; Gwen Parker; Mary Covington;  Cari Hood & Sheryl Baker; ABCO Inc.

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