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 The Warren Center, a nonprofit agency providing professional evaluations, therapy services and support to children with developmental delays and disabilities, hosted the 29th annual Fantasy Football Draft Night event on Friday, August 19, 2022 at the Westin Galleria. Dallas Mavericks Game Night Emcee, Chris Arnold served as the celebrity host for more than 400 guests in attendance which helped to raise $479,000 dollars for the nonprofit. 

"Fantasy Football Draft Night is our favorite event of the year because it combines fun competition with the opportunity to help children with developmental delays and disabilities reach their full potential," says Amy Spawn, CEO of The Warren Center. “We are so grateful for everyone who has helped organize and participate in this year’s event. Our supporters are the greatest cheerleaders for our mission, helping us raise the much-needed funds required to meet our client’s urgent needs.”

At the football-themed event, guests drafted their own Fantasy Football team to compete in a league of friends and colleagues throughout the NFL season. At the end of the season, the champion of Fantasy Football will win two season tickets for the Dallas Cowboys 2023-2024 season. Winners of each league will receive a football autographed by a celebrity NFL player. Guests were also treated to dinner and drinks, live music, silent and live auctions and fun for a great cause. 

Proceeds from this event help support programs for The Warren Center throughout the year, including educational programs and services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, developmental services, nutrition, family education and support for children with developmental delays and disabilities. For more information about upcoming events and services, please visit,

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