Libby Powers

I wish my daughter had come to Winston sooner! From the interview on, I knew my daughter was in the right place. Because they have rolling admissions, she started toward the end of the year.  However, our family immediately felt like we were accepted by the Winston family and had a place to truly belong. And this was just the beginning! My daughter went from not liking school and having issues with peers and teachers to smiling and talking about what went on at school, without me even having to probe. She enthusiastically woke me up on her first day of school and that continued every day for the rest of the school year.

The teachers are such wonderful, special people. They understand the children’s struggles as well as what the parents are going through. The communication is exemplary and the whole community is truly all about helping each child thrive. The other children are also so compassionate to each other. They are all such stellar kids, most of whom would not have begun to reach their potentials if not for Winston. My daughter is so happy to be returning to Winston this year.

I could wax on about how wonderful this school is. It’s hard to explain how EVERYTHING is really about the child. To go from feeling like you are all alone and no one understands your child, to everything being a light bulb moment for both you and your child is indescribable. I cried when my daughter was accepted; I truly did. It was a huge relief to know that she was going to be in such safe hands, and that she would be surrounded by people who will love and nurture her. If you are fortunate enough to become a part of Winston, I promise you and your child will feel as I do. Good luck. Make it happen. It will change your child's life forever. -Winston Parent

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