Libby Powers

Coach Anthony Johnson recalls the recent battle with the Flint Falcons:

September 23's volleyball game had the ebbs and flows, drama and intensity, as well as coming of age and self realization...

 Our squad, already small in quantity but high in quality, had a member leave early due to sickness. Another player was also under the weather and previously missed a day but fought through it to be there with her teammates.  We traveled to Flint Academy in Arlington to a pumped up crowd and a team set to revenge an earlier loss at Winston. 
After nearly an hour in the van, we arrived, quickly stretched and in 8 minutes, began our first match. The Flint Falcons put up a great battle and The Eagles fell in overtime 24-26.  The next match brought different results as the Lady Eagles won by 11 with a 25-14 score.  Not to be outdone, Flint fought back and gave us another tough bout, but The Lady Eagles held them off in a 2nd overtime contest at 28-26. Needing a break, with no substitutes, there was a third match to play to secure victory.  Fatigue and subtle injuries started to take effect and gave us our second setback with a 20-25 result.  The stage was set for a final showdown to 15. Our athletes looked like they had just played through every bit of 188 serves.  Despite sore muscles and haggard breathing, they were SMILING! "We've got em coach! We didn't come this far to let it get away now!" I really didn't have much of a speech to give as they took the last match 15-8.  
Proud doesn't begin to explain how I feel about these ladies BEFORE last night, and now my chest sticks out proudly as I reflect on the pure heart and toughness they displayed as they endured the duel with mounting odds to struggle to victory. Gatorade never tasted so sweet!
Traya Goleman would have been there if she could.
Rose Bassel improved her play and generated her most points this year.
Karis Kemp sacrificed her serving style and actually earned more points with receptions.
Zara Robinson altered her serve after hurting her hand and found creative ways to play.
Jada Davis, battling sickness still got an amazing 10 aces in her serves.
Samantha Byttner provided leadership and encouragement.
Abbi Clark was our Most Valuable Player and even used new skill sets to score.
Our next game is October 2 and we would love your support for Senior Night! 

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