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With the recent devastation to our neighbors in the south, there is an overwhelming desire to want to help without the knowledge of where to begin. Often, helping begins in our own backyard. On yesterday, the sixth grade class visited Cornerstone Community Kitchen in South Dallas to serve some of the less fortunate in our city.  "When we serve, we go with the attitude to do whatever job we are given with joy", said sixth grade teacher Kathy Cox. The students and their teachers helped prepare plastic utensils for the neighbors to use as they were served meals. They also folded toilet paper placing them into baggies for their personal use. As lunchtime approached, they were able to serve in many capacities from greeting neighbors, handing out desserts and water, assisting with coffee and storing personal items while the men and women ate. This experience is already making an impact. After the students had finished for the day and were eating lunch in a neighboring park, one student commented, "We are so blessed." The resounding response, yes, yes we are!
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