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Solis Mammography Publishes List of 21 Myths to Give Women Peace of Mind about How Easy and Beneficial Mammograms Can Be

ADDISON, Texas (October 17, 2016) – that cause unnecessary anxiety in women and often prevent them from scheduling this important test.

In the wake of National Mammography Day, Oct. 21, the 21 fallacies include mistaken attitudes toward mammograms, healthcare insurance, early detection and more. Among them are:

Myth: Mammograms are painful.
FACT: Mammograms shouldn’t be painful. If you see a breast specialist, who is highly trained in understanding the unique nature of breast tissue, she will understand how much compression is “enough” to get a good picture, but not too much to cause unnecessary discomfort. In most cases, the two breast compressions necessary for an accurate mammogram will be a little uncomfortable but they should not be painful. Each compression lasts only takes 45 seconds and the entire procedure only takes 5 to 10 minutes.

Myth: Mammograms are too expensive.
FACT: Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, nearly all private insurance carriers cover the cost of a 2D screening mammogram with zero copay – regardless of deductible. Medicare, Cigna and some regional insurers also cover the cost of 3D within their mammography plan. And for those who don’t have insurance or aren’t eligible for Medicare or Medicaid, Solis Mammography offers a $99 coupon for mammography screening and partners with local nonprofits who support women who cannot cover the cost of their breast cancer treatment.

Myth: You need a doctor’s referral or your insurance won’t cover it.
FACT: If you are 40 or older, and not experiencing any symptoms, you do not need a doctor’s referral for an annual screening mammogram, and you may pick the imaging facility of your choice. That freedom means you should put as much care and thought into your decision as you would for any healthcare provider. 

Myth: I’m too young to get breast cancer.
FACT: Sadly, radiologists across the country are seeing more cases of breast cancer at younger ages. In 2015, of all women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, one in five (20 percent) were in their 40s. Coupled with the fact that breast cancer in younger tissue tends to grow at a faster rate, this makes early detection all the more important. In spite of confusion around new guidelines, standard 2D screenings are still completely covered by nearly all insurance plans, and 3D mammograms are 100 percent covered by Medicare and select major providers.

Myth: Mammograms are all the same.
FACT: Getting a mammogram is more than just getting an X-ray of your breasts. It’s also a matter of ensuring the clearest images are interpreted by the highest trained, breast-dedicated experts. By choosing facilities that are dedicated breast imaging centers that specialize in mammography, that offer the latest 3D technology, and are staffed by fellowship-trained or are dedicated breast imaging radiologists and whose accuracy is audited at least once annually, women can rest assured they are doing everything possible to obtain the most accurate mammogram reading.

“It’s natural and normal for breast cancer to be a scary topic for any woman. However, rumors and false information like that found in our list can prevent a woman from getting the peace of mind that can come from knowing she’s ‘all clear for another year,’” said Connie Oliver, Solis Mammography, vice president of marketing and client relations. “By fact-checking and setting the record straight, we hope to empower women through knowledge and ease their minds about how easy and reassuring an annual mammogram can be. Simply put – if you’re all clear, you have nothing to worry about it. And if something is found that needs attention, early detection gives you the best options for treatment.”

The entire list of 21 myths can be found here (

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About Solis Mammography

Celebrating 30 years in breast imaging, Solis Mammography is a specialized healthcare provider focused on delivering women an exceptional mammography experience. Headquartered in Addison, Texas, Solis currently operates 39 centers across six major markets – North Texas; Houston, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona; Columbus, Ohio; Greensboro, North Carolina; and, through its recent acquisition of Washington Radiology Associates (WRA), the D.C. metropolitan area. The company operates both wholly-owned centers and multiple successful joint ventures with hospital partners. Solis Mammography (including WRA), serves more than 600,000 patients each year with highly-specialized imaging services including screening and diagnostic mammography (2D and 3D), computer-aided detection, breast ultrasound, stereotactic biopsy and ultrasound-guided biopsy. For more information, visit, like us on Facebook, follow us on Pinterest, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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