Jo Trizila
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Heroes for Children, a Dallas based non-profit organization that provides social and financial assistance to families throughout the state of Texas whose child is battling cancer, has joined Ellen DeGeneres’ #JustKeepDancing social media challenge to help spread awareness of children who are battling cancer. Participants are asked to upload a video to social media showcasing their best dance moves while challenging three other friends to bust a move. For each video uploaded to social media containing the hashtags #JustKeepDancing and #HeroesForChildren an anonymous donor will donate one dollar to Heroes for Children.


“When we first learned of this challenge, we were instantly excited. Besides helping families whose children are battling cancer with electric bill payments, mortgage payments, gas cards, computers for the older kids and birthday celebrations in the hospital, Heroes for Children also wants to bring awareness,” says Larissa Linton, co-founder and executive director of Heroes for Children. “Very few know that 46 children are diagnosed every single day with cancer. I was one of those moms who faced the unthinkable – my daughter Taylor was diagnosed in December 2000, and fought the good fight until 2001. She was 4 years old. I know firsthand what it is like to want to be by your child’s side but still have to make a living to keep the lights on. This is why we started Heroes for Children.”


“My daughter Lilly did a dance in memory of her older sister Taylor, who lost the battle to Acute Myleoid Leukemia in 2001. I know that whenever I see someone dancing it just makes me smile. I hope many others will join the #JustKeepDancing challenge to help spread awareness for children battling cancer and to help bring joy to those who are currently facing a cancer diagnosis.”


It all started withBraylon Beam, a 6-year-old cancer patient from Charlotte, North Carolina, who recently shared on the Ellen Show how he tackles his battle with childhood cancer through dance. Inspired by his bravery, Ellen is asking everyone to post videos showing off their best dance moves with the hashtag #JustKeepDancing to help spread awareness of childhood cancer on social media. In order for Heroes for Children to receive donations, each participant must upload the video with the hashtags #JustKeepDancing and #HeroesForChildren to and post to Heroes for Children’s Facebook page:


For families who have children battling cancer, holidays like Valentine’s Day and Christmas can easily slip off the radar. Heroes for Children’s social assistance programs help provide moments of normalcy and respite to the entire family – programs like the Valentine’s Day candlelight dinner, which offers parents a special date night to celebrate the holiday while their children are under the close care of trained childcare professionals in the room next door. Additionally, Holiday Heroes ensures the holiday wishes of families battling childhood cancer are fulfilled. Families selected by social workers at each of the major hospitals across the state that partner with Heroes for Children are adopted by community members, organization supporters and businesses – who shop, wrap and donate gifts for the entire family. 

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