Jo Trizila
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On May 13, 2015, Operation Kindness received 49 animals from Dallas Animal Services, including 10 dogs, 34 kittens without their mothers and one mother cat with four newborn kittens. Operation Kindness is currently preparing the animals for adoption by administering medical treatment and baths as needed.

The surge of animals surrendered to the shelter is due to North Texas annual “kitten season.” Cat births peak during this time as increased daylight and warm weather occur. To accommodate the many kittens surrendered to the shelter, Operation Kindness is currently seeking foster families for the kittens to help care for them until they are ready for adoption.

“Foster volunteers are imperative to saving the lives of as many kittens as possible,” said Jim Hanophy, chief executive officer. “By placing them into foster homes, we can ensure they receive the care they need until they are old enough to be adopted.”

Operation Kindness provides all the supplies and support needed to have a rewarding foster experience, including: food, heating pads, a scale, pens and medical support. There is no out-of-pocket expense required from fosters. The commitment can be as short as a few days, a week or up to nine weeks. The foster volunteer chooses the timeframe that suits their schedule. For more information about the becoming a foster family, please visit

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