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Back to School Back to School

Legacy ER & Urgent Care Offers Health Tips for Kids

The summer is drawing to a close, and kids and parents alike are preparing for the beginning of another school year. Summer habits will fade, and routines will be reestablished in the drive for ultimate success during the school year. But going back to school and starting a new year on campus isn’t always easy. Kids get nervous and parents get stressed, but there are a number of things parents can check off their list to make sure their children get off to a healthy start.  

Legacy ER & Urgent Care, a North Texas-based hybrid medical facility, offers 12 tips to help kids start the school year off right and remain healthy throughout the year:

  1. Hand sanitizer – Sending kids to school with a bottle of hand sanitizer is a great way to help prevent them from picking up unnecessary germs and bacteria.
  2. Padded and supportive backpack – The proper backpack is an often overlooked necessity for school. Carrying heavy books and laptops can put an unnecessary burden on children’s backs that can result in potentially serious problems later.
  3. Well-rounded meals – Proper nutrition is vital for a child’s body and brain to function at their best and keep up their energy levels.
  4. Comfortable shoes – This is another overlooked necessity. Kids are walking from class to class and running around on the playground. Supportive and comfortable shoes are necessary for kids to stay happy and healthy.
  5. Updated immunizations – Up-to-date immunizations are important for your own child’s safety as well as other kids’ health.
  6. Sufficient sleep – Sleep plays a vital role in ensuring a child makes the most of his/her education. Studies show that when a child is well-rested, they retain information much better than if they are sleep-deprived.
  7. Regular exercise – This will keep a kid active, which in return helps boost the immune system, metabolism and overall mood.
  8. Vitamins – Taking regular vitamins acts as a preventative measure to kids getting sick from germs that run rampant in schools.
  9. Water – Drinking an appropriate amount of water and staying hydrated is absolutely necessary to a child’s health.
  10. Checkup/physical – Before returning to school each fall, kids should have a physical examination to make sure they are healthy to return to school.
  11. Proper sports protection – For kids in sports, it’s necessary to have proper gear to help prevent injury.
  12. Establish a routine – It is important for the mental health of a child to have a firm schedule and routine, especially when returning to school. This will help lessen anxiety and nervousness about returning to the school environment.

“Going back to school is more than just buying new pencils and finding classrooms,” says Dr. Jay Woody, founder and chief medical officer of Legacy ER & Urgent Care. “There’s a lot that goes into making sure kids are ready and prepared for the demands of school and then can stay healthy throughout the school year.”

Keeping children healthy takes more than a once-a-year checkup. Parents and kids alike can take daily steps to ensure children remain healthy throughout the school year.

For more information on Legacy ER & Urgent Care, please visit

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