The Cambridge School of Dallas
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This year the Cambridge School of Dallas welcomed home one of its own.  Grace Anne (Arnold) Wood, a 2006 alumna, has returned to Cambridge as the new art professor.  Wood, who earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Texas Woman's University, was hand-picked by Charlotte Seifert, the previous art professor, as her replacement.  Professor Seifert taught Wood when she was a student at Cambridge, and the two continued to meet regularly throughout Wood's college and post-college years to share their work with one another. 

Returning to teach at Cambridge was an ideal situation for Wood.  "I'm so thankful the Lord has brought me back to this amazing community where He continues to shape lives as He has mine."  As the new art professor at Cambridge, Wood is teaching studio art to middle and upper school students, including AP Art.   As a former student, Wood has a thorough grasp of the school's mission of academic discipleship, fostering a love of learning with a passion of Jesus Christ.

Her students couldn't agree more.  Sophomore Claire Williams said of Wood, "She is so loving and compassionate and she helps me to see the beauty in all kinds of art."

Connecting with other Cambridge alumni is a priority for Wood, and she is currently in the planning stages for the 2nd annual Alumni Art Show this December.  The show will open on Saturday, December 27 at Kettle Art Gallery in Deep Ellum and will run through Saturday, January 3.  It is open to the public and will feature works by both graduates and current students of the school.

The Cambridge School of Dallas is a Christ-centered, Classical, College-preparatory school (grades 6-12) whose mission is "Academic Discipleship: Fostering a Love of Learning with a Passion for Jesus Christ." - Contact The Cambridge School at  
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