The Cambridge School of Dallas
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The Cambridge School of Dallas varsity boys basketball team will advance to the State playoffs for TAPPS 2A.  The team defeated Fort Worth Bethesda Christian for the Area Championship on Monday, March 2 and won the Regional Championship on Tuesday night, March 3, defeating Denton Calvary 79-54.   With 24 points, senior Calvin Goldsmith was the high scorer of the game, followed by senior Trent Gahm with 15 points,  senior Johnson Thweatt with 12 points and senior Joel Truelson with 10 points.  The team will advance to the State semi-finals against Austin Waldorf on Friday at 7:30 pm at Glen Rose High School in Glen Rose, Texas.  This playoff run marks the first time a Cambridge boys basketball team has reached the State semi-finals.

The Cambridge School of Dallas
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Becca Mighell, a graduating senior at The Cambridge School of Dallas, has been named one of more than 3,900 candidates in the 2015 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program. Approximately twenty females and twenty males are selected as candidates from each state.  The candidates were selected from nearly 3.4 million students expected to graduate from U.S. high schools in the year 2015. The Scholars represent excellence in education and the promise of greatness in young people. In honoring the U.S. Presidential Scholars, the President of the United States symbolically honors all graduating high school seniors of high potential.

In addition to scoring a perfect 1600 on the Reading and Math sections of the SAT, Becca has maintained straight-A's throughout her high school career.  She serves as the Head Prefect at Cambridge, while also pursuing her passion for acting, singing and dance.  She has appeared in numerous school, community and professional theater productions throughout the Dallas area.  Next year, Becca will be attending The Helmerich School of Drama at The University of Oklahoma.  She has been named an OU Scholar.

Inclusion in the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program, now in its 51st year, is one of the highest honors bestowed upon graduating high school seniors. Scholars are selected on the basis of superior academic and artistic achievements, leadership qualities, strong character and involvement in community and school activities.  Application is by invitation only; students do not apply individually to the program, nor do their schools nominate them.

 Over 3,900 candidates were selected for their exceptional performance on either the College Board SAT or the ACT Assessment.  Further consideration is based on students’ essays, self-assessments, descriptions of activities, school recommendations, and school transcripts.  A distinguished panel of educators will review these submissions and select 560 semifinalists in early April.

The Commission on Presidential Scholars, a group of up to 32 eminent citizens appointed by the President, will make final selection of the Scholars. They will select one young man and one young woman from each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and U.S. students living abroad; 15 students at-large; and up to 20 students from the creative and performing arts. The U.S. Department of Education will announce the Scholars in May.

All Scholars are honored for their accomplishments during National Recognition Program, held in June in Washington, D.C. During this trip, U.S. Presidential Scholars are guests of the Commission and enjoy an expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., to meet with government officials, educators, authors, musicians, scientists and other accomplished people. Scholars have the opportunity to visit museums and monuments, and to attend recitals, receptions and ceremonies. To commemorate their achievement, the Scholars are awarded the Presidential Scholars Medallion at a ceremony sponsored by the White House. 

The Cambridge School of Dallas
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Pictured (L toR): Seniors Johnson Thweatt, Kira McBride, Caroline Kirchen and Shawn Ervin have been named semi-finalists for the Texas Christian Athlete of the Year Award.

Four Cambridge School of Dallas students were recently named semi-finalists for the 26th Annual Texas Christian Athlete of the Year Award.  Seniors Shawn Ervin, Caroline Kirchen, Kira  McBride and Johnson Thweatt were selected from over 4000 applicants, from over 1300 schools.  The award is sponsored by Lay Witnesses for Christ, an international sports ministry.  On March 16, 2015, the 75 male and 75 female semi-finalists will be honored at an awards luncheon at the DFW Airport Marriott in Irving, Texas.  Each year at the luncheon, Olympians and sports legends will come together to celebrate Texas’ Christian high school athletes who demonstrate integrity, character and commitment to their team, their education, and their Christian faith.  Ten finalists will be named at the luncheon, along with male and female winners.  Other special awards, including the Carl Lewis Inspiration Award, the Richard Bucknor Maximizing Your Potential Award, the Lewis Johnson Paying It Forward Award, Coach of the Year will also be presented. 

Many former nominees and winners have gone on to do great things in their respective sports in college, professionally, and in the Olympics, while others have used the encouragement they received through this award to go on mission trips or start philanthropic non-profits.

According to Dr. Sam Mings, the Executive Director and Co-founder of Lay Witnesses for Christ International, in at least the past ten years, no other school besides The Cambridge School of Dallas has had so many semi-finalists selected from among the 4000 students nominated for the award.

The Cambridge School of Dallas
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This year the Cambridge School of Dallas welcomed home one of its own.  Grace Anne (Arnold) Wood, a 2006 alumna, has returned to Cambridge as the new art professor.  Wood, who earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Texas Woman's University, was hand-picked by Charlotte Seifert, the previous art professor, as her replacement.  Professor Seifert taught Wood when she was a student at Cambridge, and the two continued to meet regularly throughout Wood's college and post-college years to share their work with one another. 

Returning to teach at Cambridge was an ideal situation for Wood.  "I'm so thankful the Lord has brought me back to this amazing community where He continues to shape lives as He has mine."  As the new art professor at Cambridge, Wood is teaching studio art to middle and upper school students, including AP Art.   As a former student, Wood has a thorough grasp of the school's mission of academic discipleship, fostering a love of learning with a passion of Jesus Christ.

Her students couldn't agree more.  Sophomore Claire Williams said of Wood, "She is so loving and compassionate and she helps me to see the beauty in all kinds of art."

Connecting with other Cambridge alumni is a priority for Wood, and she is currently in the planning stages for the 2nd annual Alumni Art Show this December.  The show will open on Saturday, December 27 at Kettle Art Gallery in Deep Ellum and will run through Saturday, January 3.  It is open to the public and will feature works by both graduates and current students of the school.

The Cambridge School of Dallas
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The Cambridge School of Dallas proudly presents the fall drama production, The Savage Dilemma, this Thursday and Friday, Nov. 20 and 21 at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary at the school.  Tickets are $5/students and $10/adults and are available at

The Cambridge School of Dallas
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NFL Hall of Famer Mike Singletary, the Cambridge School of Dallas 2014 Faith & Culture Keynote speaker.

On Thursday, Nov. 6, NFL Pro Football Hall of Famer Mike Singletary spoke to Cambridge School of Dallas students, families and guests as the keynote speaker for the annual Faith & Culture Keynote Dinner and LectureMr. Singletary's address,  entitled "A Home of Champions:  Casting a Vision for your Family"  focused on his principles for parenting and was interwoven with stories from his playing and coaching years. 

Mike Singletary is most recognized as one of the Chicago Bears' toughest middle linebackers and member of the famed '85 Super Bowl team. He was selected to participate in the Pro Bowl ten of his twelve years as a player. Mike also led the NFL as Defensive Player of the Year three times, and was the Bears' team captain for ten years. After retiring from football in 1993, he spent ten years as a motivational speaker and corporate consultant helping companies elevate their strategies for teamwork and overall success. In 2003, after many previous requests to coach, he answered the call to join the Baltimore Ravens, followed by San Francisco, and then the Minnesota Vikings. Mike is currently serving the NFL as Defensive Consultant to the Executive Vice President of Football Operations, with the intention of coaching again following this season.

The Faith & Culture Dinner and Lecture is the keynote event within The Cambridge School of Dallas' Faith & Culture Lecture Series.  The dinner and lecture brings notable authors and speakers to the Dallas area and focuses on how the Christian faith ought to impact the culture.  The Cambridge School of Dallas' Faith & Culture Lecture Series brings together influential authors, politicians, leaders, teachers and students in a series of events and lectures throughout the year and is fundamental in fulfilling the School's mission of "fostering a love of learning."  The events encourage learning for a lifetime for the Cambridge community, the greater Dallas area, and beyond.

An integral part of the Faith & Culture Lecture Series is Faculty Lyceum - quarterly lectures by members of the Cambridge faculty on texts or topics within their field of study, celebrating the unity of all truth in Christ and the diverse contributions made by each academic discipline.   These lectures are free, and open to the public. 

The upcoming Faculty Lyceum lecture will feature Dr . Barb Isbell, speaking on Thursday, December 4 at 7 p.m. at Grace Bible Church.  Her topic will be “The Past is Yet to Come:  Exodus and the End Times”.  Dr. Isbell is the professor of Old and New Testament at Cambridge.

For more information on this or other Faith and Culture Series events, see The Cambridge School of Dallas' website at or call 214-357-2995.

The Cambridge School of Dallas
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The Cambridge School of Dallas is a school committed to preparing its students for college, not only through a challenging academic curriculum, but also by coming alongside our students as the make the important decision about where to attend college.

One way we do this is by hosting over 50 colleges and universities on our campus each year for College Weeks.  During these two weeks each September, Upper school students sign up for sessions with admissions counselors from the colleges and universities of their choice.  This is an excellent opportunity for students to show interest in schools and to learn firsthand about particular colleges and universities  and their admissions practices.  Some of the schools visiting this year are Vanderbilt, Wake Forest, Davidson College, Furman, Samford, Washington University in St. Louis, College of Charleston, Chapman University and Texas A&M.

In addition to College Weeks, each year Cambridge plans a National College Trip.  All upper school students are eligible to participate and usually 15-20 students choose to attend.  Typically, students will visit colleges and universities of varying sizes and types, always including at least one large public university, a smaller private university, as well as a faith-based university.  In order to be time-efficient, the pace is quick, with full admission visits to at least two schools each day.

Past trips have included visits to colleges and universities near Washington DC, Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago.  Recent trips have been to see universities in both North and South Carolina.  The 2014 College Trip will take place October 15-18 and students will visit colleges and universities in Georgia.  The trip will include stops at Georgia Tech University, University of Georgia, Emory University, Berry College, and Covenant College. 

The Cambridge School of Dallas
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Congratulations to Cambridge School of Dallas junior Kira McBride.  McBride placed first in TAPPS 2A 100 Meters State Championships held on Saturday, May 3 in Waco, Texas.