Dallas International School
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Imagine if you finished your undergraduate degree in less than three years. Your friends are still in school. You have all the options in the world in front of you. What would you do?


For Danial Saiyid, a 2013 graduate of Dallas International School, the choice was easy. Go to Africa.


“I’m going to be working in Morocco with the Peace Corps as a youth asset builder,” Saiyid said. “I’ll be providing stuff such as English classes, resume building and other things so that people there have a better future.”


Saiyid recently graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a degree in international political economy. When he first started college, he had some trouble figuring out what he wanted to do.


“For me, I still didn’t know after my first year what I wanted to do,” Saiyid said. “Not many people have a really set plan. But this is the direction that I want to go in.”


Saiyid said that his experience at DIS helped him make decisions about his future career while still in college.


“At DIS, I met people from so many different cultures and that gave me a taste to talk to someone from another country,” Saiyid said. “It definitely gave me a more globalized view. I feel very fortunate to have gone there and experienced that. It definitely influenced my major and what to do afterwards.”


While DIS helped shape Saiyid’s career path, he still noticed how his workload and study patterns changed once he got to college.


“The big thing with college is, when you’re given an assignment, there are no reminders,” Saiyid said. “At DIS, the teachers were a lot more involved to make sure you succeeded. There was a lot more work in college.”


Despite the changes, Saiyid was able to thrive during his time at UTD. His piece of advice for soon-to-be college students?


“It’s OK not to know exactly what you’re going to do,” Saiyid said. “Just take an active role in making sure you get your work done.”

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