Starts 08/22/2024 18:00 (Thursday)
Ends 08/22/2024 19:00 (Thursday) Central Standard Time
Duration 1h
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Visit Interabang Books this Thursday, Aug. 22nd at 6 pm for a discussion with author and global energy expert L.A. Starks. She'll share insight on Winner's Curse - a pulse pounding new thriller that will grab and hurl you through the eye-opening and unexpectedly dramatic world of the oil and gas sector. While taking you from the desolate, windswept plains of west Texas to the salons of Hungary, Starks expertly infuses her insider knowledge of this trillion-dollar industry, and her experiences of being female in a male dominated field into this stand alone, science adventure.
What others are saying about Winner's Curse
Winner's Curse, a smart oil and gas thriller with remarkable breadth, depth, and international intrigue, proves yet again that L.A. Starks is a master storyteller!
William J. Carl, author of Assassin's Manuscript
Taut, suspenseful, and full of Texas flare, Stark's latest mystery will have you rooting for Lynn Dayton as she risks her life to uncover deadly secrets before it's too late.
Winner's Curse is a winner!
Karen Harrington, Winner of the Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, Reader's Choice Award
Compelling characters, non-stop action, shockingly current plot, and Starks experience as an insider makeWinner's Curse the next thriller you must read.
Jim Kipp, Investment expert