Lisa Rothberg – Guest Contributor
Feb 1 2017
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Laura Levy, Event Chair Adat Chaverim, Lonna Rae Silverman Co-President Temple Shalom, Jane Shook Co President Adat Chaverim, Rachelle Weiss Crane Co President Temple Emanu-El, Kay Schachter Co President Temple Emanu-El, Ali Rhodes, Co-President Temple Shalom, Penny Coney Event Chair, Temple Emanu-El, Laurel Fisher WRJ Southwest District President


"Tea for Two" three or more!

“Chai Tea” on Sunday afternoon, January 29th, was sponsored by The Women of Reform Judaism Sisterhoods (WRJ) of Adat Chaverim, Temple Shalom and Temple Emanu-El. Thanks to all three Sisterhoods for planning a lovely afternoon of friendship, tikkun olam, and a program presented by Temple Emanu-El Senior Cantor Vicky Gliken. Jacquie Schwitzer graciously opened her lovely home for the occasion.  An array of savory appetizers, and, of course tea, was prepared by all three Sisterhoods for everyone’s culinary enjoyment.  All were engrossed as Cantor Gliken told her story, “My Jewish Journey” from Kiev, Soviet Union, to Dallas, Texas, sang, played the guitar and led us in prayer.  Proceeds benefited the YES Fund of WRJ (funding Youth, Education, and Special Projects in the US, Israel and throughout the world). WRJ Southwest District President Laurel Fisher was in attendance and provided information on the YES Fund.  In addition, attendees donated women’s essential care items for Hope’s Door (providing programs, shelter and help for victims of family violence in North Texas).  All in all, it was a perfect “blend” sharing friendship, food, and common interests on a sunny Sunday afternoon!


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