Nancy Burke – Guest Contributor
Jun 8 2016
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Cub Scout Pack 19 – May the Scouting Force Be With You

DALLAS, Texas (June 2016) – With a Star Wars” theme, complete with a Jedi Scout Training Academy and costumed characters, Cub Scout Pack 19 held its annual Blue and Gold Banquet to honor its Cub Scouts as they advance to the next rank of scouting. 

“In a galaxy far, far, away, the Jedi Knights were once Cub Scouts,” explained Cubmaster Nancy Burke, the emcee dressed as Princess Leia. “Star Wars and Scouting are a perfect combination as both Jedis and Cub Scouts share similar values – they each follow a code of honor and oath, try to live in peace and harmony with their environment, and take their stewardship to conservation, citizenship and their communities seriously.” Burke explained.   

The event held Saturday night was filled with lots of galactic activities for the crowd of over 100 guests, including special appearances by the Star Garrison of the 501st Legion, a worldwide volunteer Star Wars fan club which contributes to the local community through volunteer appearances to celebrate the Star Wars universe.  In attendance on Saturday was Darth Vader (complete with magnified breathing), a Stormtrooper, Biker Scout, lmperial Gunner, and Royal Guard.  “It was glorious to see the amazement on the faces of our Scouts when they saw these Star Wars characters in real life,’ said parent and Advancement Chair Denise Brame.  It was especially fun to watch them learn lightsaber dueling techniques from Darth Vader,” Brame added.  

Those Scouts advancing to the next rank of Scouting included First Grade Tiger Cubs:  Michael Brame, James Broer, Harrison Hart, and Mason Perry; Second Grade Wolf Cubs: Andrew Benyo, Judson Gunby, Beckett Kiseljack,  Braeden McDonald, Ryan Moore, Oliver Perez, Henry Rathjen, Joseph Stalder, Henry Taylor, Chase Terrell and Cort Weidner; Third Grade Bear Cubs: Joshua Banowsky, Charlie Brame, Oliver Burke, Skyler Gessner, Hans Hesse, Elijah Townsend, William Turner and Garrison Worthy; and Fourth and Fifth Grade Webelos who earned their Arrow of Light, the highest award given to Cub Scouts:  Collin Adcox, Daniel Brame, Guerin Honeycutt, Ford Morris, Sam O’Neil, Zachary Moulder, and Brandon Schout. 

Special recognition also went to Tiger Cub Mason Perry, the winner of the “Cub Wars” Dessert Contest for his creation of a marshmallow dessert featuring Princess Leia’s buns.  Boy Scout Jack Jackson was also recognized for his service to Pack 19 as a Den Chief.  

The Adult Leaders recognized for their outstanding service to the Pack included Natalie Perry, Justin McDonald, Carolyn Stalder, Denise Brame, Chris and Abbey Adcox, Greg Hesse, Darryl Burke and Nancy Burke.

“The Scouting Force is certainly with us tonight,” said Wolf Den Leader Justin McDonald dressed as Obi Wan-Kenobi.  .  “It’s great to celebrate Scouting and reinforce positive values,” added Webelos Den Leader Chris Adcox, aka Han Solo. Cub Scout Pack 19 is chartered by Lovers Lane United Methodist Church, and accepts boys from first through the fifth grade.