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This Christmas season, Covenant students in all grades, K-12, participated in Operation Christmas Child (a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse). This school-wide effort allowed Covenant to send 150 shoeboxes to boys and girls across the world.  These shoeboxes, though simple, provide some basic necessities as well as toys for girls and boys who would otherwise not receive such blessings at Christmas time.  The Samaritan’s Purse works with local churches, ministry partners, and schools “to deliver gifts and share the life changing good news of Jesus Christ” with these children.   

This year, students will volunteer in several local organizations and ministries with the hope that they will continue to couple a life-time love of learning with a life-long desire to serve others and, in doing so, to serve Christ. To learn more about Covenant, please visit 


As a classical, Christian, K-12 educational community, the school’s mission is “to glorify God by equipping students with the tools necessary to pursue a lifetime of learning so that they may discern, reason, and defend truth in service to our Lord, Jesus Christ.”